

Physical Branch, Digital Service

Affinity Plus builds member engagement by focusing equally on a modern brick-and-mortar network plus the latest technologies for members and staff alike.

For These Credit Unions, Financial Wellness Starts At Home

Jeanne D’Arc and Affinity Plus are driving financial wellness for staff with initiatives like emergency savings accounts and an employee-only branch.

How One Credit Union Is Combatting The Lock-In Effect

Wings Credit Union unlocked opportunity in its mortgage portfolio by drawing in members with a desirable rate and a few other perks.

Change Your Name. Blaze Your Trail.

After two large Minnesota credit unions merged, staff set to work creating a new brand identity.

Term Limits Build Governance Prowess At A Minnesota Credit Union

A new board strategy at Affinity Plus FCU results in new levels of engagement and diversity.

2 Strategies To Inspire A New Generation Of Leaders

Desert Financial and Affinity Plus have taken different paths for the same end goal: positioning emerging leaders for success.

Affinity Plus Goes All The Way For A Midway Neighborhood

The Twin Cities credit union closed one neighborhood branch and deepened its commitment in another.

AI Makes An Instant Impact At TruStone Financial

The Minnesota cooperative is only a few months into it but already seeing significant operational gains.

Member Stories. Meaningful Connections.

How the staff at a Twin Cities credit union works together to find, record, and share compelling tales of making a difference.

Polar Plunge With A Purpose

Each year, Affinity Plus takes an ice-cold dive to make a big impact in the community.
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