Operating Expense


12 Ratios Every Marketing Manager Should Know

Metrics to evaluate credit union marketing spend and bridge the gap between macro trends and micro performance.
Industry Insights

3 Metrics That Are Important For First Quarter

Understanding key performance metrics will help gauge early successes and identify any operational adjustments needed to achieve strategic goals.
Industry Insights

Efficiency Improves At Credit Unions In 2018

U.S. credit unions reported a 169-basis-point decline in the efficiency ratio year-over-year. And that’s a good thing.
Industry Insights

Performance Pop Quiz: What Happened To The Net Interest Margin?

As interest rates tick up, the margin between interest income and interest expenses at U.S. credit unions slowly expands. Test your knowledge of the state ...
Industry Insights

Efficiency By The Numbers (2Q18)

The credit union industry's efficiency ratio of 69.8% as of June 30 was the lowest it's been since 2010.
Industry Insights

Regional Performance Report: Mid-Atlantic Credit Unions

Credit unions in the Mid-Atlantic reported faster MBL growth than credit unions outside the region. In what other areas did these Mid-Atlantic cooperatives excel?
Graph Of The Week

How Does Location Affect Expenses?

Contextualizing costs based on location can make a big difference when analyzing the bottom line.
Industry Insights

What Drives Credit Union Revenue?

Credit unions generate income in a multitude of ways to stay competitive in a narrowing margin environment.
Industry Insights

How Much Do Credit Unions Spend On Compensation?

The percent of revenue going toward employee compensation is reversing trend.
Industry Insights

Leaders In Efficiency At First Quarter 2017

Check out this leader table to see which credit unions beat the industry average.

Loan Trends In 2Q24

Fluctuating loan demand upset credit union lending pipelines and balance sheets in the first half of the year. How significant were these impacts?

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